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Babysitter and au-pair recruitment scams
We have come across a number of fraudulent job offers for babysitters and au-pair girls by scammers from Nigeria. Sometimes the job offers are in Nigeria, other times the scammers pretend to be UK-based. The objective of such job offers is to trick job seekers into paying advance fees (supposedly for visas, air fares and other expenses). These usually amount to hundreds or even thousand dollars and are demanded to be paid by Western Union wire transfer.
Once the job offer turns out to be fake the recipient of the payment can not be traced. Therefore don't send money and don't quit your current job. If the offer sounds too good to be true, that's because it is.
The following emails are part of an Advance Fee Scam. See our "419" fraud FAQ for more information on such scams.
If you have any suspect email that you want to report or have checked, you can copy and paste the message text into our "Scam-O-Matic" webform for an instant reply.
If you get suspect emails, you can also forward them to our scam-reporting e-mail address
Though you won't normally get a reply we do use your reports to shut down scammers and to warn others.
Nigeria: Tevez Manny (tevezmanny@yahoo.com)
Hello Nanny,
We are Mr. and Mrs. Tevez Manny from USA but we are Presently in Nigeria due
to our company Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. (GTB) & Tinapa hotel & resort.
We have One energetic but delightful child aged
5 years;
name is Cassie.
Cassie who is 5 years will be keeping you
entertained at home during the day! we do not require
much babysitting in the evening which means that you
are free to enjoy these as you wish. On your days off
you can enjoy the Nigerian Sun on one of the many
beautiful beaches just a short drive away. We also
have a summer house by the lake which we would like
you to spend some time with us in. I am the Bank
Manager of Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, Nigeria and works
pretty hard, but enjoy going for walks in the
glorious Obudu hills. My Wife is the Manager sales at the new Tinapa
Hotel & Resort here in Nigeria too. she had to accompany me when
i was posted from the US to Nigeria . In her spare time
she enjoy painting. We would like any pair who will
fit in with our lifestyle and enjoy their time with
us. You have a tastefully furnished live-in
If you agree to take the position you shall be paid$3500 (Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars Monthly)
and shall be given a weekly pocket money of $500.
Your residence shall be comfortably furnished within
the Company housing estate. We are comfortable here as
GTB pays us well however we cannot work! effectively
and take care of our kids hence our solicita! tion to< br />you to come and Nanny for us.
My Wife, Angelica would be home each time I go
offshore. I stay for about a month or two and return
home to spend time with my family. You shall
undertake the following duties if you accept to work
with us:
Care for & stimulate the child both mentally &
physically, to ensure intellectual, physical &
social development.
Find out about activities in the local area. Ensure
that the child/children get regular fresh air &
Plan & undertake activities on a one to one basis &
with children. Develop speech, reading, numbers,
letters, colors, social & practical skills.
Organize & prepare a healthy, varied & well balanced
diet of home cooked food. Eat with the child/children
& supervise meal times, encouraging proper use of
cutlery, & behavior.
Look after child's/! children's physical well being -
wash & bath them daily, help them to dress & undress,
cut nails weekly, ensure hair is cut regularly, & that
shoes get refitted regularly.
Look after all the child's/children's clothes. This
includes all washing; ironing by the weekend, shoes
regularly cleaned, clothes & soft toys mended; Put
aside clothes that no longer fit.
Keep child's/children's room clean & tidy.
We had a Nanny but she is getting married hence would
be moving with her Husband. Should you accept to take
up the position with us, you can start as soon as your
Flight Ticket, Travel Documents and other Travel
Intenerates are ready. We could recommend a Travel
Agency for you, however all this depends on if you
accept to Nanny for us. It is I who is mostly out of
the country. My wife is usually home each day. Yes we
do have a maid who would assist you in se! eing to the
dietary needs of our kids.
S! end us y our Referees, Resume, Pictures so that we can get in touch with
you. Should the outcome be positive, we would then
invite you to come and Nanny for us.
I do hope you consider a position with us and you
would not regret it.
Have a nice day as you work towards building your
career with us.
Pls Contact via Phone +234 8063517131
or Email:tevezmanny@yahoo.com
The Tevez Manny Family
Nigeria: Edman and Mralin William (admin@chevrononline.net)
Dear Rochelle
We are Edman and Mralin William from
ChevronTexaco Nigeria Ltd
Office Address:
2 Chevron Drive
Lekki Peninsula
PMB 12825
We have two energetic but delightful children aged My
son of 3 years and my lovely daughter of 5 years; their
names are karma and sesno.
karma is 3 years and sesno is 5 Years Old; Raymond
our Cousin who is 9 years will be keeping you
entertained at home during the day! we do not require
much babysitting in the evening which means that you
are free to enjoy these as you wish. On your days off
you can enjoy the Nigerian Sun on one of the many
beautiful beaches just a short drive away. We also
have a summer house by the lake which we would like
you to spend some time with us in.
Edman William is Director Of Chevron Texaco Nigeria Ltd , and works
pretty hard, but enjoys going for walks in the
glorious Obudu hills. Marlin is a teacher at the local high
school here in Nigeria too where She teachs Chemistry to a
range of children.Marlin had to accompany her Husband when
he was posted from the US to Nigeria. Ellen in her spare time
enjoy painting. We would like an AU PAIR who will
fit in with our lifestyle and enjoy their time with
us. You have a tastefully furnshed live-in
If you agree to take the position you shall be paid
$7000 (Seven Thousand Dollars Monthly)
and shall be given a weekly pocket money of $900.80
Your residence shall be comfortably furnished within
the Company housing estate. We are comfortable here as
Chevron pays us well however we cannot work effectively
and take care of our kids hence our solicitation to
you to come and Nanny for us.
Marlin William would be home each time William go
offshore. I stay for about a month or two and return
home to spend time with my family. You shall
undertake the following duties if you accept to work
with us:
Care for & stimulate the child both mentally &
physically, to ensure their intellectual, physical &
social development.
Find out about activities in the local area. Ensure
that the child/children get regular fresh air &
Plan & undertake activities on a one to one basis &
with children. Develop speech, reading, numbers,
letters, colours, social & practical skills.
Organise & prepare a healthy, varied & well balanced
diet of home cooked food. Eat with the child/children
& supervise meal times, encouraging proper use of
cutlery, & behaviour.
Look after child's/children's physical well being -
wash & bath them daily, help them to dress & undress,
cut nails weekly, ensure hair is cut regularly, & that
shoes get refitted regularly.
Look after all the child's/children's clothes. This
includes all washing ; ironing by the weekend, shoes
regularly cleaned, clothes & soft toys mended; Put
aside clothes that no longer fit.
Keep child's/children's room clean & tidy.
We had a Nanny but she is getting married hence would
be moving with her Husband. Should you accept to take
up the position with us, you can start as soon as your
Flight Ticket, Travel Documents and other Travel
Intineries are ready. We could recommend a Travel
Agency for you, however all this depends on if you
accept to Nanny for us. It is I who is mostly out of
the country. My wife is usually home each day. Yes we
do have a maid who would assist you in seeing to the
dietry needs of our kids.
Send us your referees so that we can get in touch with
them. Should the outcome be positive, we would then
invite you to come and Nanny for us.
I do hope you consider a position with us and you
would not regret it.
Have a swell weekend as you work towards building your
career with us.
The William'S Family.
Chevron Texaco Nigeria Ltd
Nigeria: BENJAMIN J PIERCE (family_benjamin2@yahoo.com)
Hello Nanny,
We are Mr and Mrs. BENJAMIN J PIERCE from USA but we are Presently in
Nigeria due to our company Novagas Inc. (SHELL).
We have three energetic but delightful children aged A new born of 6
months, 14 Months and 2 years; their names are Jerome and Peter. Jasmine
is 6 months and Jerome is 14 Months Old; Peter who is 2 years will be
keeping you entertained at home during the day! we do not require much
babysitting in the evening which means that you are free to enjoy these
as you wish. On your days off you can enjoy the Nigerian Sun on one of
the many beautiful beaches just a short drive away. We also have a
summer house by the lake which we would likeyou to spend some time with us
I am a Production Engineer with Shell BP, Nigeria and works pretty
hard, but enjoys going for walks in the glorious Obudu hills. My Wife is a
teacher at the local high school here in Nigeria too where she teach
biology to a range of children. she had to accompany me when
i was posted from the US to Nigeria. In her spare time she enjoy
painting. We would like an au pair who will fit in with our lifestyle and
enjoy their time with us. You have a tastefully furnshed
If you agree to take the position you shall be paid $3500 (Three
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars Monthly)and shall be given a weekly pocket
money of $500. Your residence shall be comfortably furnished within the
Company housing estate. We are comfortable here as Shell pays us well
however we cannot work effectively and take care of our kids hence our
solicitation toyou to come and Nanny for us.Your Job Description: A Home
Teacher/Nanny needed for my Daughter urgently and i`m willing to pay
you as much as $3500.
My Wife, Jennifer would be home each time I go offshore. I stay for
about a month or two and return home to spend time with my family. You
shallundertake the following duties if you accept to workwith us:
1.Care for & stimulate the child both mentally & physically, to ensure
their intellectual, physical & social development.
2.Find out about activities in the local area. Ensure that the
child/children get regular fresh air & exercise.
3.Plan & undertake activities on a one to one basis & with children.
Develop speech, reading, numbers, letters, colours, social & practical
4.Organise & prepare a healthy, varied & well balanced diet of home
cooked food. Eat with the child/children & supervise meal times,
encouraging proper use of cutlery, & behaviour.
5.Look after child`s/children`s physical well being -wash & bath them
daily, help them to dress & undress, cut nails weekly, ensure hair is
cut regularly, & that shoes get refitted regularly.
6.Look after all the child`s/children`s clothes. This includes all
washing ; ironing by the weekend, shoes regularly cleaned, clothes & soft
toys mended; Put aside clothes that no longer fit.
7.Keep child`s/children`s room clean & tidy. We had a Nanny but she is
getting married hence would be moving with her Husband. Should you
accept to take up the position with us, you can start as soon as your
Flight Ticket, Travel Documents and other Travel Intineries are ready. We
could recommend a Travel Agency for you, however all this depends on if
you accept to Nanny for us. It is I who is mostly out of the country. My
wife is usually home each day. Yes wedo have a maid who would assist
you in seeing to thedietry needs of our kids.
Send us your Referees,Resume,Pictures so that we can get in touch with
them. Should the outcome be positive, we would then invite you to come
and Nanny for us. I do hope you consider a position with us and you
would not regret it.
Have a nice day as you work towards building your career with us.
Pls Contact via Phone +234 -80-2370 2248
E-mail: family_benjamin2@yahoo.com
United Kingdom: Mr Glenn Mitch (mrglennmitch@yahoo.com)
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 02:14:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Glenn Mitch" <mrglennmitch@yahoo.com>
Subject: CAN YOU BE OUR NANNY (victimname)
To: emailaddress
We are Mr. and Mrs. Mitch. We are UK nationals who are presently resident in London ,(UNITED KINGDOM) .I’m an expatriate worker, on an assignment with an oil and gas company here in UK.
We have two energetic but delightful children aged
14 Months and 3 years respectively; their
Names are Tom, 14 months, and Edith 3 years old. We are currently in search of a babysitter, who will be taking care of them while my wife and I are off to work.
My Wife is a biology teacher at The British International School,
Here in UK, she is good to know and loving, even to strangers talk more of you that will take care of her children for her. I was posted to London a couple of weeks ago and she had to move down with me when it became obvious I would spend a couple of years on my job here. We would like a nanny/babysitter who will
Fit in with our lifestyle and enjoy her time with
Us very well.
If you agree to take the position you shall be paid [6,500 [Six Thousand Five hundred Dollars Monthly]
And shall be given a weekly allowance of 60 Dollars.
Your residence shall be comfortably furnished within
The Company housing estate. We are comfortable here as we are well paid as expatriate workers. However, my Wife, Lucy would be home each time I go offshore.
I work offshore between two to three weeks and return to spend my off shore vacation with my family.
You shall
Undertake the following duties if you accept to work
with us:
Care for & stimulate the child both mentally &
physically, to ensure their intellectual, physical &
social development.
Find out about activities in the local area. Ensure
that the child/children get regular fresh air &
Plan & undertake activities on a one on one basis &
with children. Develop speech, reading, numbers,
and letters, and colors, social & practical skills.
Prepare their meals and ensure them and enforce certain level of table mannerism.
Keep child's/children's room clean & tidy.
We have a Nanny but she is getting married soon, hence would
Be moving with her Husband. Should you accept to take?
Up the position with us, you can start as soon as you’re
Flight Ticket, Travel Documents and other Travel
Intenerates are ready. We could recommend a Travel
Agency for you [for security reasons], but that is if you accept the job offer.
Send us your Referees, Resume, Pictures so that we can get in touch with you. Should the outcome be positive, we would then
Invite you to come and Nanny for us.
I do hope you consider a position with us and you
Would not regret it.
Have a nice day as you work towards building your career with us.
Please Reply via: